Shadows of Sinensis, a memorable trip to Srimongol, will remain afresh in the mind of Kaz family. Fun-loving Kaz Family went on rampage to obtain unlimited ‘Furti’ and relaxation during our 3-day tour to Srimongol from 15 to 17 February, 2009. Eventful Srimongol trip offered us relaxation, fun and most importantly the joy to share with our colleagues and family members. The team of Srimongol trip encompasses each and every one of Kaz Family. Young stars of the team aged 3-month to 3-year provided the team with pure and refreshing entertainment in the lap of nature. All of us along with our spouses and kids looted the unlimited joy by swimming in the pool, climbing the mountains, wandering in the wilderness and having delicious foods.

Powered by 41-member, Kaz team reveals the sportive frenzy of Kaz family. Many of our enthusiastic players as well as cheering audiences enjoyed watching and playing Cricket, Badminton, Football and Table Tennis at daylight and even at night using light. Frenzied bedding accompanied by enthusiastic cheering gave the events a special glow.
Silence of the evenings was shattered with the sound of laughter provoked by lively ‘Adda’ and the melody of harmonica and songs sung by us ruled the isolation of night. Monotony or tiered is something that failed to touch the mind even for a second. Luxurious and well-furnished bungalows became the place to spend last few hours of night to start a new day with more enthusiasm.

A spur-of-the-moment decision fixed the day scheduled. Going to ‘Lawachara’ or finding out the tea-stall named ‘Nilkantha’ to have multilayered tea was decided within a few minutes with the urge to know the unknown. Such whimsical decisions to visit outside of the Tea Resort made the trip more attractive and gave us the chance to experience something new and adventurous. Those who were more attracted to water of appealing swimming pool were busy with swimming and diving throughout the whole noon.
Delicious Food must be there to color a memorable time. We the KAZ people vowed not to get hungry and have delicious good food with every single chance of celebrating party. There is no exception of this oath even at Srimongol trip. Being the fan of delicious food we grilled chicken and included delicious dishes for a sensational dinner and enjoyed the last night having spicy food and dessert.

Sensible traditional ethos of our firm revives with this lovely trip. And it would be no rhetoric to reiterate the truth that ‘Shadows of Sinensis’ is a great step forward for the neatly tied Kaz family to enhance its fellow-feelings and team spirit as ever.